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Hernia Surgery In Chennai

Chennai Gastro Care focuses in Chennai and performs hernia operation in Chennai. The goal is to alter the abnormal opening through laparoscopic hernia surgeries and other methods. The expert hands of the best hernia specialist in Chennai transforms the lives of our patients. We provide the best hernia treatment in Chennai at our clinic. Rendering the patient, a pain-free life is our priority.

At a Glance

 Laparoscopic hernia repair     Open hernia repair
Advanced training is required for laparoscopic approach Technique is old and varies in style from surgeon to surgeon
General anaesthesia is administered Procedure is carried out under local anaesthesia also
Hernia is repaired from the inside from behind the muscle weakness The muscle weakness is opened and the hernia is repaired from the outside
Advanced laparoscopic equipment is used Requires standard surgical instruments
Recurrence rates and infection rates are at < 1% Higher recurrence rates and infection rates are noted
Length of incision is no more than 1 – 2cm with 2 small punctures  Length of incision is 4 – 5 cm
Incision is made in the belly button area Incision is made in the groin area
Mesh is positioned behind the muscle Mesh is positioned behind and above the muscle
Absorbable sutures used to secure the mesh in place Mesh is sutured into the location
Patients feel little or no pain after the surgery Patients may experience moderate post-operative pain
Patients return to normal activities in about 1 week Patients resume normal activities in about 2 – 3 weeks
Surgery takes about 45 minutes to an hour
 Surgery takes about 30 minutes to 45 minutes
Difficulty in repairing large and complex hernias Recommended surgical option for large and complex hernias

Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery

There are two techniques used for a hernia repair – laparoscopic approach and open surgical approach. Surgeon preferences and situations influence the decision of an open repair or a laparoscopic repair. The advantages of laparoscopic repair are more than that of the open mesh repair. For one, post-operative pain is lesser and patients return to work faster than after an open surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is a technically difficult surgery. Incidences of prolonged loss of sensitivity and numbness are noted in patients who have had an open surgery. Blood loss during surgery is markedly decreased. Wound drain may not be required after a laparoscopic procedure. Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair is a popular technique considered safe and efficient.

Our team perform advanced laparoscopic repair techniques and use the latest light-weight mesh. The light-weight mesh considerably reduces recurrence rates. Post-operative mesh pain is also reduced.Hernia surgery in Chennai is performed at affordable cost at our center.

What is a hernia?

When an internal organ or other body component bulges through the muscle or tissue that normally surrounds it, it is referred to as a hernia.

What causes a hernia?

Hernias result from weakening muscles that may have existed from birth or are brought on by ageing and constant stress on the groin and abdominal regions. Such strain might result from strenuous physical activity, obesity, pregnancy, persistent coughing, or straining on the toilet due to constipation.

Symptoms of Hernia

Some common symptoms of hernia include:

● Swelling or bulge in the groin or abdomen

● Pain while lifting

● Increase in the bulge size over time

● Dull aching sensation

● Bowel obstruction

An obvious lump or protrusion caused by an abdominal or groin hernia may be pushed back in or may disappear when lying down. The lump may resurface after it has been pushed in while crying, laughing, coughing, straining during a bowel movement, or engaging in physical exercise.

There are no external bodily bulges in the case of hiatal hernias. Instead, symptoms such as chest pain, frequent regurgitation (bringing food back up), difficulty swallowing, and heartburn may be present.

Types of Hernia

The most common types of hernia include:

Ventral Hernia:

A ventral hernia is a hernia that can develop anywhere along the abdominal wall's midline (vertical centre). Three different kinds of ventral hernia exist:

● Epigastric hernia: A hernia that can develop anywhere between the breastbone and the navel (belly button). Both men and women are susceptible to this kind of hernia.

● Umbilical hernia: This condition develops in the area around the belly button.

● Incisional hernia: A hernia that develops where a previous operation was performed. Incisional hernias can appear at the location of an abdominal surgery scar in up to one-third of individuals. After abdominal surgery, this kind of hernia might develop months or even years later.

Hiatal Hernia

A hiatal hernia develops when the upper portion of the stomach pushes through a gap in the diaphragm and into the chest cavity. The diaphragm is a slender muscle wall that divides the chest cavity and the abdomen. The oesophagus and stomach connect at the diaphragm's opening.

All ages and genders are susceptible to developing a hiatal hernia, though people over the age of 50 are more likely to do so. Individuals who are overweight or obese and smokers are more likely to develop a hiatal hernia.

Inguinal Hernia

An inguinal hernia can develop in the inguinal canal, which extends from either side of your pelvis into your sex organs. Inguinal hernias are the most prevalent type of hernia. It happens when an opening in your lower abdominal wall allows abdominal tissue, like belly fat or an intestinal loop, to protrude through.

There are two kinds of inguinal hernia:

● Direct inguinal hernia: A type of hernia in which the wall of your inguinal canal is completely breached. Adults develop this kind of hernia over time as a result of weaker abdominal muscles and ongoing pressure on the muscle wall.

● Indirect inguinal hernia: An indirect hernia enters through the top of your inguinal canal. Usually, a congenital defect causes this to happen. Some newborns' canal openings do not completely close during development in the womb.

Femoral Hernia

A femoral hernia typically develops near the top of the inner thigh when fatty tissue or a portion of the bowel protrudes into the groin. The herniated tissue enters a region known as the femoral canal by pushing through a weak region in the abdominal wall around it.

Femoral hernias are much more common in women, especially in elderly women. This can be attributed to the broader shape of the female pelvis.

Diagnosing Hernia

Physical examination typically reveals a protrusion in the place where a hernia has developed. A male patient is instructed to cough while the hernia doctor touches the area around his testicles and groin as part of the standard physical examination for inguinal hernias. To accurately diagnose the illness, soft-tissue imaging techniques like a CT scan may occasionally be needed.

What happens if hernia is untreated?

With the exception of umbilical hernias in infants, hernias do not go away on their own. A hernia may enlarge, become more painful, or develop complications over time. Untreated inguinal or femoral hernia complications could result in:

● Obstruction (incarceration): When a portion of the intestine gets lodged in the inguinal canal, it causes stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and a sore lump in the groin.

● Strangulation:When a portion of the intestine is trapped, its blood supply is cut off. In these circumstances, immediate hernia surgery is required to stop tissue death from happening.

Hernia Treatment In Chennai

Surgery may be the sole option to treat hernias because they typically do not get better on their own. Your doctor will suggest the best treatment for your hernia, and may also refer you to a surgeon. If the surgeon determines that repairing your hernia is required, they will choose the procedure that will best suit your requirements.

If an umbilical hernia in a child is significant or does not resolve by the time the child is 4 to 5 years old, surgery may be advised. Adults with umbilical hernias typically need surgery because there is a greater chance of complications and the problem is unlikely to get better on its own.

Hernia surgeries might be of one of two types:

● Open surgery involves making a cut in the body where the hernia is. The bulging tissue is repositioned, and the damaged muscle wall is repaired. Often, a special kind of mesh is placed in the region to offer further support.

● The same repairs are made during laparoscopic hernia surgery. However, tiny incisions are made to allow the insertion of surgical tools to complete the hernia surgery rather than making a large cut to the outside of the abdomen or groin.

To identify the optimal surgical hernia repair technique for you, your surgeon will take into account a number of factors, including:

● Age

● Medical history

● Size of the hernia

● Presence of an infection

Advantages of Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery

● Fewer hospital visits

● Minimal pain

● Quicker return to work and other obligations

● Smaller scars or incisions

● Reduced risk of infection

How can you prevent a hernia?

● Eat a nutritious diet and exercise regularly to maintain your ideal weight.

● Consume enough vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to prevent constipation.

● When lifting weights or large objects, use proper form. Don't lift anything too heavy for you.

● Consult a doctor if you have a cough or sneeze that won't go away.

● Avoid smoking because the habit might cause coughing that can lead to a hernia.

Recommendations after Hernia Surgery

You'll receive instructions after the procedure. These cover the proper diet to follow, how to take care of the incision site, as well as how to avoid physical stress. Despite hernia repair procedures, hernias can return. Sometimes this is brought on by innate tissue weakness or slow recovery. Significant risk factors for hernia recurrence include smoking and obesity.


1.What signs and symptoms are present in a hernia?

Generally, a hernia is a swelling or bulging under the skin. The type of hernia can be determined by the hernia's location. Most often, they appear as a painless swelling that only goes away when you lie down. The hernia may become more noticeable while you are engaging in activity that strain your abdominal muscles. An inguinal hernia is a hernia in the groin, and a ventral hernia is a rupture in the abdomen. One of Chennai's top hernia surgeons, Dr. Deepak Subramanian is a well-known surgeon who handles all kinds of hernia operations.

2.Do patients in Chennai favour laparoscopic hernia surgery for hernias?

Yes, laparoscopic hernia surgery is preferred by both doctors and patients since it has a lower likelihood of failure and includes fewer risks, complications, scars, and pain.

3.What are the consequences if a hernia is left untreated?

Your regular tasks and daily activities may be hampered by a significant untreated hernia. Additionally, it could become so strangulated or tightly trapped that it loses all blood flow, which would result in the tissues outside that are trapped dying. Strangulated hernias present with excruciating pain, fever, and inflammation of the surrounding area. Quick surgical intervention can frequently prevent all of these consequences. Surgery is the sole option for a hernia.

4.What options are there for hernia surgery?

A hernia issue can be approached in many ways:

● Open Hernia Surgery: Open hernia surgery for repairing a hernia is a safe procedure that can be carried out under general or local anesthesia. The hernia surgeon makes a single, large cut (incision) to clearly view and repair the hernia, after which the protruding contents are gently reinserted into the patient's abdomen. Using a mesh, the weakness where the hernia emerged is being strengthened. Our expert hernia surgeon Dr. Deepak Subrahmanian handles laparoscopic and open hernia surgery with great results.

● Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery: Laparoscopic hernia surgery in Chennai is the most effective treatment, considering it is a minimally invasive hernia surgery. Three tiny incisions are made rather than a single large incision in laparoscopic hernia repair surgery to treat a hernia.

5.When should I get a hernia surgery?

The doctor could advise surgery if your hernia hurts or seems to be constantly enlarging. The majority of hernia operations are performed as outpatient procedures. The surgeon will make an incision, remove or replace the tissue, and close the wound.

6.Can you survive without having a hernia treatment?

A hernia does not naturally disappear. A hernia can only be fixed through hernia surgery. Some people with minor hernias may never require surgery. You and your medical expert may decide to wait for symptoms to appear if the hernia is minor, if you don't experience any symptoms, or the symptoms don't bother you too much. Our expert hernia specialist in Chennai, Dr. Deepak Subramanian, handles all hernia repair treatments with utmost care.

7.When should you follow up with your hernia doctor after hernia surgery?

You should follow up with your hernia doctor immediately if you have the following symptoms:

● Fever

● Infection at the incision site

● Severe pain or discomfort

Our expert hernia specialist in Chennai Dr. Deepak Subrahmanian handles all hernia repair treatments with utmost care.

8.Where in Chennai can I get the best hernia treatment?

Chennai Gastro Care offers the best hernia treatment out of all hospitals and clinics in Chennai. We collaborate with medical professionals who have at least 12 years of expertise and carefully carry out laparoscopic hernia surgery.

9.Can I use my insurance to pay for a hernia operation in Chennai?

Yes, most health insurance plans include coverage for conditions like hernias. You can speak with insurance support to find out more about the coverage and receive the greatest amount of claims in Chennai.

10.If you had previous abdominal surgeries, stomas, or hernias, can you still have a laparoscopic procedure?

Yes. Laparoscopic hernia surgery is an option for patients who have had previous operations, stomas, or hernias. However, it is crucial to provide the doctor with a thorough medical and surgical history before your next surgery.

11.How long does it take for a hernia procedure recovery?

You can return to light activity(back to work) after 3-5 days and complete recovery takes 2-3 weeks, if you’ve done laparoscopic hernia surgery. But open surgeries require a minimum of 3 weeks for recovery.

12.Do I require any post-operative rehabilitation (exercises)?

Yes. Six weeks after hernia surgery, an exercise regimen is recommended to all hernia patients to regain muscle tone, stop muscular atrophy, and avoid weight gain.

13.Can a hernia be treated without surgery?

No, hernias cannot be cured without surgery. A hernia cannot 'heal' through medication or exercise, meaning the tissue surrounding the opening cannot develop and close the wound on its own. Surgery is usually necessary for hernias, especially in cases of strangulation(when blood flow gets cut).

14.Does health insurance provide coverage for hernia repair?

All hernia treatments are covered by health insurance. For hassle-free insurance approval, please contact our medical counsellor.

15.Will having a hernia operation hurt?

Although this may vary from patient to patient, laparoscopic hernia surgeries typically result in minimal pain. You will be kept as pain-free as possible throughout surgery by our surgeons and anaesthetists.

16.Why is surgery necessary?

These consequences may result from untreated hernias:

● Strangulation: Cutting off the blood supply to the injured area.

● Obstruction: When the abdominal content in the intestine gets restricted or blocked.

● With time, hernias frequently enlarge.

17.What is femoral hernia?

A hernia that appears as a protrusion in the top portion of the thigh close to the groin is known as a femoral hernia. The abdominal organs are held in place by a layer of muscle. When this area of the abdominal muscle wall is weak or torn, the contents of the abdomen can push through causing a protrusion at the site.

18.What are the main causes of a hernia?

A hernia may form as a result of various factors, such as heavy lifting, obesity, and chronic cough. Some hernias may be congenital, meaning they are there at birth, but they may not be felt until later in life.

19.What kind of stress on the body leads to a hernia?

● Lifting heavy objects while overweight

● Constant heavy coughing

● Constipation

● Pregnancy

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